/* Template: LAWYER - Multipurpose Bootstrap 5 Template Author: RRDevs */ (function($) { "use strict"; $(document).ready(function () { // Sticky Menu $(window).scroll(function() { var Width = $(document).width(); if ($("body").scrollTop() > 100 || $("html").scrollTop() > 100) { if (Width > 767) { $(".header_2").addClass("stop"); } } else { $(".header_2").removeClass("stop"); } }); // Sticky Menu $(window).scroll(function() { var Width = $(document).width(); if ($("body").scrollTop() > 100 || $("html").scrollTop() > 100) { if (Width > 767) { $(".header_3").addClass("stop"); } } else { $(".header_3").removeClass("stop"); } }); /*** Search bar */ $('.header-search').on('click', '.search-toggle', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var selector = $(this).data('selector'); $(selector).toggleClass('show').find('.search-input').focus(); }); // var catButton = '.portfolio-cat-filter button'; // $(catButton).on('click', function(){ // $(catButton).removeClass('active'); // $(this).addClass('active'); // }); $('#hamburger').on('click', function() { $('.mobile-nav').addClass('show'); $('.overlay').addClass('active'); }); $('.close-nav').on('click', function() { $('.mobile-nav').removeClass('show'); $('.overlay').removeClass('active'); }); $(".overlay").on("click", function () { $(".mobile-nav").removeClass("show"); $('.overlay').removeClass('active'); }); $("#mobile-menu").metisMenu(); $(".single_progress_bar span").each(function () { $(this).animate( { width: $(this).attr("data-progress") + "%", }, 1000 ); }); /* ============================================= # owlCarousel init ===============================================*/ $(".hero_slider").owlCarousel({ items: 1, dots: true, loop: true, autoplayTimeout: 8000, autoplay:true, nav: true, animateOut: 'fadeOut', navText: ['', ''], }); const $owlCarousel = $(".agency-slider-active").owlCarousel({ items: 1, dots: true, loop: true, autoplayTimeout: 9000, autoplay:true, }); $(".owl-carousel").on("initialized.owl.carousel", () => { setTimeout(() => { $(".owl-item.active .animated-text").addClass("is-transitioned"); }, 200); }); $owlCarousel.on("changed.owl.carousel", e => { $(".animated-text").removeClass("is-transitioned"); const $currentOwlItem = $(".owl-item").eq(e.item.index); $currentOwlItem.find(".animated-text").addClass("is-transitioned"); const $target = $currentOwlItem.find(".hero-contents"); }); $(".brand_widget").owlCarousel({ items: 6, dots: false, loop: true, autoplayTimeout: 8000, autoplay:true, nav: false, loop: true, responsive: { 0: { items:1 }, 500: { items:2 }, 900: { items:3 }, 1100: { items:5 }, 1200: { items:6 } } }); $(".testimonials").owlCarousel({ items: 6, dots: false, loop: true, autoplayTimeout: 8000, autoplay: true, margin:25, nav: false, loop: true, responsive: { 0: { items:1 }, 768: { items:1 }, 900: { items:2 }, 1100: { items:2 }, 1200: { items:2 } } }); /* ============================================= # slick init ===============================================*/ $('.single_testimonial_right_2').slick({ dots: true, nav: true, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, arrows: true, infinite: true, prevArrow:"", nextArrow:"", speed: 300, slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1080, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } } ] }); /* ============================================= # Tab Filter init ===============================================*/ $('.tab-btn').click(function() { // Remove active class from currently active button and content $('.tab-btn').removeClass('active'); $('.faq_widget div').removeClass('active'); // Add active class to clicked button and corresponding content $(this).addClass('active'); $('.' + $(this).attr('id')).addClass('active'); }); /* ============================================= # Magnific popup init ===============================================*/ $('.popup-youtube').magnificPopup({ type: 'iframe' }); /*========================== Scroll To Up Init ============================*/ $.scrollUp({ scrollName: 'scrollUp', topDistance: '1110', topSpeed: 2000, animation: 'slide', animationInSpeed: 300, animationOutSpeed: 300, scrollText: '', activeOverlay: false, }); new WOW().init(); // $('.side-menu-toggle, .offcanvas-btn').on('click', function() { // $('.offset-menu').addClass('show'); // }); // $('#offset-menu-close-btn').on('click', function() { // $('.offset-menu').removeClass('show'); // }); // $('.search-btn').on('click', function() { // $('.search-box').toggleClass('show'); // }); $('.counter').counterUp({ delay: 10, time: 3000 }); }); // end document ready function function loader() { $(window).on('load', function() { // Animate loader off screen $(".preloader").addClass('loaded'); $(".preloader").delay(600).fadeOut(); }); } loader(); })(jQuery); // End jQuery